
These are the two bits of Inner Qigong which we presented in the workshop. If you want to find out more about Inner Qigong or take part in our online classes, see www.innerqigong.com

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Primary Sequence – Introducing Inner Qigong
Tuesday 2nd March

Tuesday 13th April – Lesson 12 – Fascia and Seaweed Qigong
This is the first session on the Qigong of the Integrating Family which deals with connecting the body together, facilitating communication and resolving inner conflict

The next section will contain videos from the workshop July 2-4 2021. You will need to enter the password we gave you to see them

[passster password=”billteresadanielphiline”]

The script for the workshop can be downloaded from here


Conscious Breathing

Yang Ming Bodywork

Front Door Touch

Energetic Boundaries

First Family Explanation

Beginning a Session

Putting into Practice

Valuing Touch

Movement Meditation

The Power of Noticing

Seaweed Qigong

Unburying the Kyo

Active Listening

Yang Ming & Tai Yin

Working with Emotion
