This is probably the last. chance to work with Bill & Teresa in Australia. Between them they have 95 years of experience of working with Shiatsu, Movement Therapy, Voicework, Meditation and Psychology and they weave all these strands together into workshops that are not only full of unique information but also safe spaces for profound self-exploration. They are real masters of their art and many people have said their work is truly life-changing. Their approach to physical and energetic therapy is radical; transforming the therapeutic relationship into a process of real empowerment. The work is good for everyone but it is essential when working with chronic, resistant conditions and disabilities.
21-23 February: Movement and Meridians
Bill’s research with babies shows that meridians are the pathways along which babies learn to move their body. Infant movement also develops the Mind and the Qi-functions. The link between meridians and movement means that you can help a person to take charge of their health through exploring these archetypal movements and empower them to become more autonomous. Movement Shiatsu aims to stimulate a person’s natural development and to support them to meet the challenges of life and to develop resilience and flexibility as a result.
We will:
- Show unique techniques to develop awareness of the subtle messages from the body.
- Show how to help resolve emotional difficulties and trauma through somatic exploration.
- Explain how movement development forms the foundation for personality and how movement exploration can transform neurotic patterns.
- Explain how to recognise stages of development in an individual that have been blocked and how to help them move on.
27 Feb – 2 March. Destiny and Choice (working with the Ming and the Xing)
Some problems don’t seem to go away because they come from a basic internal conflict. The person is stuck in a position of fighting with their true nature. The problems often emerge in relationships, in emotional patterns and in physical vulnerabilities.
In Chinese medicine, these issues can be seen as a manifestation of what is called the Ming. This embodies the agenda of your life rather than a fixed fate. Instead of trying to ‘cure’ these core problems we can learn how to reframe them into opportunities for development of the true self.
Movement Shiatsu can give practical ways of doing this. We will show how to transform the state of the client from being a victim into an active explorer, taking charge of their life and using their condition as a resource to fulfil their potential.
The course will:
— Develop an awareness of what your spirit is wanting to learn in this life.
— Learn experiments, qigong and explorations to help a client take charge of their healing.
— Show how to work with psychological blockages through movement, touch and drama
— Show how to use Movement Shiatsu to resolve inner conflict.
What people say about these workshops:
“Bill was my most influential teacher. In my view he has a remarkable genius and is someone who understands Chinese Medicine in a fully embodied, integrated way. His work is radical, revolutionary, inspiring.”
Daverick Leggett – Poet, Author, Qigong Teacher, Founder of Rise up Singing 2018
It was wonderful how you managed to create a space which was extraordinarily safe, protected, but still open in which everyone felt like they were in good hands. And in this room there was such a wealth of information, all floating around like different waves, but still forming a wonderful unity. Like the different waves of the sea. I would like to thank you very much again for this extraordinarily wonderful weekend and for the appreciative space that you offered us.
Helga – Vienna 2024
“Working with the Ming was an excellent introduction to Movement Shiatsu, it felt as though it focused around a central tenet of this way of working; approaching problems as life’s lessons alongside other fundamentals such as the importance of the practitioner’s approach being one of being and not doing and approaching therapy or change from the inside out in a playful, exploratory way. The course was a wonderful combination of experiencing the physical, the practical in inner qi gong, voicework, touch, and receiving spoken teaching about the area we were exploring.
I came away with lots to think about personally and professionally and very useful simple techniques I can integrate into my practice straight away as well as being aware of so much more to learn. As someone who had not received movement shiatsu before, this also felt life-changing. I plan to do more courses with you, Thank you to Bill, Teresa and everyone there.
The teaching was excellent, I love it when a person, is such a master of their area that when they speak it sounds incredibly simple and yet there is so much packed in to what they are saying. I also liked the combination of theory and practice, that really helps me to learn and understand. I also learnt much from Bill’s way of being – really living and being what he teaches and has learnt, in many, many ways.
The approach feels like a missing piece for me, drawing on principles I have held dear in group work and community work, some with disabled people and taking it into bodywork, which is part of what I offer as an insight herbalist. I have been aware and wanting to come for several years, it was worth the wait!“
Hettie Peplow – Insight Herbalist, Community Worker (UK) 2024