Payment & Cancellation Policy

For courses held at the Earth-Spirit centre

Payment Schedule:

  1. Initial non-refundable deposit of £50 or 65€ paid to confirm a place, we will tell you a deadline for this and your place may be given to someone on the waiting list if the deposit is not received before this date.

2. Second deposit of £100 or 130€ to be paid six months before the start date of the course because we have to pay a deposit for you to the venue at that time.

3. The remainder of the course fee to be paid two months before the start date.

4. Accommodation fees will be calculated depending on what type of accommodation you have asked for. They can be paid in cash (pounds only) when you arrive or by bank transfer at least a week before the start date.

Accommodation Costs 2025
Earthspirit has not yet set its fees for 2025 accommodation. However, due to VAT being added the fees in 2025 will be at least 20% higher than in 2024. Based on this, the accommodation costs will be at least:

Ensuite shared room with all meals: £405 including VAT
Room with shared bathroom and all meals: £355 including VAT
Camping with all meals: £305 including VAT

Single accommodation will be at least an extra £90
Special diets will be at least an extra £25

Please let us know what type of accommodation you need because there are very limited number of singles available and we allocate those as we hear from you.

Cancellation Policy

If you cancel and we can find a replacement then we will refund what you have paid at that date except for the initial £50 deposit.

If we can’t find a replacement then we will either transfer your payment as deposit on a future course or do a partial refund depending on the reason and how close the cancellation is to the start date. The amount of the refund for the course fee will be at our discretion.

Unless the cancellation is less than two days before the start date we will also refund what you have already paid for accommodation. If the cancellation is less than 48 hours before the course starts the we will charge you the cost of one night including meals because we would have to pay the venue that on your behalf.

Payment by bank transfer

If you are paying in GB Pounds
Account Name: Exapia Limited, 33 Vicarage Street BA11 1PU
Bank: Natwest
Sort Code: 60-02-05
Account Number: 59182156
IBAN: GB50NWBK 600205 59182156

If you are in the EU or SEPA, you can pay in Euros to the following account:
Account Name: Exapia Ltd
Bank: Wise Avenue Louise 54, Room S52 Brussels 1050 Belgium
IBAN: BE51 9672 0881 1862

You can also pay via Paypal to but then we will also invoice you the additional fee that Paypal charges us.