Session 3. Working with Emotion
Timings of Sections:
Start: Embodying Emotion
24:51 Consciously Containing
27:00 Using Spirals to Bring Parts that are not Integrated into Awareness
43:52 The Sensation of Feeling
53:00 Case Story of Working with Trauma
59:44 BREAK
59:45 Breathwork to Unbury the Tiger
1:30:57 Joining with the Inner Community
1:46:20 Practising Amplifying Touch
1:52:30 Group Discussion on the Day
2:04:26 The Gestalt Cycle
Session 4. Loosening Patterns in Muscles and Fascia
Timings of Sections
8:07 Sensing Superficial Fascia
38:26 The Development of Integration
43:16 Developmental Movements along the Jue Yin
43:32 Front Door Touch in pressure
58:00 Front Door Touch in movement
1:08:00 Q & A
1:23:00 BREAK
1:24:00 Story of working with Trauma
1:27:00 Valuing Protection – Valuing Touch
1:37:00 Practising Valuing Touch
1:41:00 Experimenting with Patterns
2:06:00 Bringing the techniques together
2:13:00 Working with the Inner Organs
2:21:00 Finding the movement of the organs
2:25:00 Amplifying Touch
2:33:00 Seaweed Qigong
2:45:00 Talking about the Six Forms of Touch
2:47:00 Talking about Clarifying Touch