Special residential retreats with Bill Palmer & Teresa Hadland.
March 30th – April 4th and October 5th-10th
At the moment the April course is full.
It is designed for people who want to dive deep into the work we are doing. The workshop will take place at the Earthspirit Centre, near Glastonbury in the UK; a beautiful venue set in nature and with facilities for fire ceremonies, music, sauna and hot-tub** as well as delicious food and great spaces to work.
“Human Development & Stages of Life”
The theme of the course will be an in-depth dive into Human Development and what we call the Inner Community. We will be exploring how each stage of life brings particular challenges and also special opportunities to learn.
Many of our problems come because we haven’t resolved the challenges of past stages of development. Movement Shiatsu and Inner Qigong provide specific processes, bodywork and movement practices which focus on these archetypal life lessons.
You will also learn how to work with stage-of-life issues with other people.
We work with several models of human development as well as the infant movements central to Movement Shiatsu. The primary one is the Eight Shields system of collaborative community and we link these aspects of life to the Qi of the meridians. This is especially useful in Movement Shiatsu because it gives value to the capacities of each stage. This relates directly to how Movement Shiatsu sees an individual, where the energy and genius of each part of the body and mind are seen as equally valuable. Even the problematic areas!
We will also use Erik Erikson’s description of eight psychosocial stages. Erkison’s model is useful because he defines the challenges met at each stage of development. In working with a client, it is often useful to gauge what stage of development a person has reached in their life. Movement Shiatsu gives specific tools for helping people to learn the lessons of their current phase by relating the psychosocial challenges to the development of physical capacities. If you have been stuck in a phase of development, moving into the next stage usually liberates a great amount of energy, and we will be providing space for using that energy in creative ways and helping you to use it to take charge of your life.
What Can You Expect
We will be working with touch, Wolfson voicework, breathwork, movement, artwork, dance and spontaneity. The course is open to everyone, but you need to have experience of self-development work, take responsibility for your own exploration and be willing to take emotional risks. This is not a therapy group but a mature space for deep exploration. We are limiting numbers to 18 to allow you to have space to do individual work. When you apply, we would like to hear about your past experience of working on yourself and will allocate places accordingly. See what people say about our courses.
The Postgraduate Certificate in Movement Shiatsu & Inner Qigong
If you are a practising therapist, you can use this course as the major contribution to receiving our well respected Postgraduate Certificate in Inner Qigong and Movement Shiatsu. To qualify for this you also need to attend our series of four online masterclasses and either the New Year Inner Qigong weekend or be a subscriber to our Qigong classes.
The cost of the course is £495. If you book before the end of January we will give you a super-early-bird price of £435. Accommodation and meals are extra and you can choose your accommodation needs to suit your pocket. There are a range of options ranging from camping to en-suite with full board and other options in between. More details about accommodation can be read here
If you paid a deposit for the April residential and then decided to move to October, then you automatically get the super-early-bird price and what you have already paid will be put towards your deposit. We expect the places to fill fast, so if you are interested, and even if you are not yet sure, please send in an application as soon as possible, and we will give you more information and a deadline to confirm your place.
Fill out this form expressing your interest. If we invite you, we will send you all the options and you can review them without commitment.
** Sauna and Hottub may not be available. Sometimes another course books it for the whole week and then they have priority. We will book it if we can.