DESTINY & CHOICE (Working with the Ming)

The Ming is a profound concept in Chinese Medicine. It embodies the tendencies and patterns that define the lessons you can learn in your life.

Much of Oriental Medicine focuses on working with the Qi, activating and balancing the homeostatic functions of the body. This often means you are trying to get rid of problems when they are actually the result of not facing and learning from your Ming. A deep part of yourself knows that these problems should be integrated rather than removed. But there is a deeper way of working that recognises those life-patterns and loosens them rather than trying to change them. This naturally activates developmental processes, which find new ways of being and acting that are consistent your nature.

Stages of Development
Human Development progresses through eight recognised stages. In each stage, the person faces an archetypal challenge and meeting it successfully develops a human capacity. So development can be seen as a course where you learn lessons that build on each other. Many long term problems are expressions of being stuck in a developmental stage.

Movement Shiatsu gives specific tools for helping people to meet the challenge of their current phase. We work through drama processes which bring psycho-social issues into the body and then use movement, voice and touch to work with the problems physically.

These courses are accessible to everyone. We will be working with Wolfson voicework, breathwork, movement and touch. It will be fun, challenging, profound and transform the way you work with yourself and others.

The course will include:
– how we can empower clients to experiment with their life patterns and take their healing into their own hands
– how we can perceive the intelligence of the different parts of the body
– how we can incorporate voice work into a Shiatsu session
– how techniques from drama work can be used to help clients feel the connection between mind and body
– how meridians can be used as a guide for archetypal movements
– how guided movement can help people explore ways of dealing with the challenges of their stage of development.

As well as two three-day workshops in Australia on this theme we are running two five day residentials on the themes of Stages of Life, Human Development and Working with the Ming near Glastonbury in the UK. March 30th – April 4th 2025 and October 5th-10th,
See more and book for the Residentials