SEED UK Programme 2024
Residential Retreat 7-12 April 2024:
This course focuses on “Working with the Ming” and learning to directly sense and explore the Qi functions of East Asian medicine. We will be using Inner Qigong and Somatic Exploration to learn to sense and embody our energy – particularly those shadow parts that have been squashed or hidden in the process of life. We will also explore the unique techniques of Movement Shiatsu to help these buried areas to wake up and start to integrate with the rest of ourselves.
For more details and to book, fill out the Application Form
Zurich, Switzerland, June 28-30
Working with the Ming
This is a continuation from the 2023 course but is open to everyone.
To book contact: Phoenix Schule, Zurich
Brussells, Belgium September 27-29
Working with the Ming
To book contact: Anke Herrmann@aom
Barcelona, Spain: October 11-13
Working with the Ming
This is a continuation from the 2023 course but is open to everyone.
To book contact: Escola de Shiatsu i Moviment
Hamburg, Germany: Nov 1-3
Working with the Ming
This is a continuation from the 2023 course but is open to everyone.
To book contact Shiatsu Schule Hamburg
Wageningen, Netherlands, November 15-17
Working with Stages of Life,
To book contact: Hands on Tao
Vienna, Austria November 29 – December 1
The Six Forms of Touch
TO book contact
Sept – December: Practical Applications of Movement Shiatsu – Four Online masterclasses
These three-hour, online masterclasses will show how the approach of Movement Shiatsu can be incorporated into any style of bodywork. They will cover the whole body and show how to help clients become aware of their Qi, their bodies and their own patterns.
For more details see Masterclasses Online