See full details of the SEED Postgraduate Programme Curriculum
This year we will not be running the usual programme of weekend workshops but enquiries will be welcome for 2024. Instead, in 2023 we are holding five day residential intensives in April & October and a set of six online masterclasses from October onwards.
To gain the SEED Postgraduate Diploma you should take one of these intensives and the online Masterclasses.
10-11 December 2022: Frome UK: SEED UK Programme
Words and Hands: Making Shiatsu Interactive and Exploratory
To book fill out Application Form
January 20-22 Sydney, Australia . The Six Forms of Touch
Suitable for everyone, students and practitioners of any form of bodywork.
For details see https://seed.org/the-six-forms-of-touch/
For more information and booking contact: Australian Shiatsu College
January 27-29 Melbourne, Australia: The Six Forms of Touch
Suitable for everyone, students and practitioners of any form of bodywork.
For details see https://seed.org/the-six-forms-of-touch/
For more information and booking contact: Australian Shiatsu College
February 3-6 Melbourne, Australia: Movement Shiatsu Masterclass
How to use Somatic Exploration and the “Three Family” Cycles to deal with trauma and emotional or energetic disturbances.
For details see https://seed.org/working-with-the-three-families/
For more information and booking contact: Australian Shiatsu College
April 1st-2nd: Paris
Travailler avec les Trois Familles de méridiens
To apply contact Secretariat UFPCT
SEED UK Programme 2023
Residential Retreat 23-28 April 2023:
This course focuses on learning to directly sense and explore the Qi functions of East Asian medicine. We will be using Inner Qigong and Somatic Exploration to learn to sense and embody our energy – particularly those shadow parts which have been squashed or hidden in the process of life. We will also explore the unique techniques of Movement Shiatsu for helping these buried areas to wake up and start to integrate with the rest of ourselves.
To book fill out Application Form
26-28 May: Wageningen, Holland
Working with Core Process through the Three Meridian Families
To book contact: Hands on Tao
16-18 June 2023: Zurich, Switzerland
Working with Core Process through the Three Meridian Families
To book contact:Phoenix Schule, Zurich
June 30 – July 2 2023 : Barcelona, Spain
Working with Core Process through the Three Meridian Families
To book contact: Escola de Shiatsu i Moviment
SEED UK Programme 2023
Residential Retreat 1-5 October 2023 in EarthSpirit Centre, GLASTONBURY:
This course focuses on learning to directly sense and explore the Qi functions of East Asian medicine. We will be using Inner Qigong and Somatic Exploration to learn to sense and embody our energy – particularly those shadow parts which have been squashed or hidden in the process of life. We will also explore the unique techniques of Movement Shiatsu for helping these buried areas to wake up and start to integrate with the rest of ourselves.
To book fill out Application Form
October 2023 Brussells, Belgium 21-22 October
The Six Forms of Touch
To book contact: effieke@hotmail.com
November 2023: Hamburg, Germany
Working with Core Process through the Three Meridian Families
To book contact Shiatsu Schule Hamburg
October – December: Practical Applications of Movement Shiatsu – Six Online masterclasses
These two hour, online masterclasses will show how the approach of Movement Shiatsu deals with six types of issues in a way that can be incorporated into any style of bodywork.
For more details see Masterclasses Online