Courses in 2020

See full details of the SEED Postgraduate Programme Curriculum

29-31 January: Melbourne, Australia:
The Joy DivisionsWorking with the Shao Yin and Tai Yang to liberate the spirit
To Book Contact:

5-7 February: Melbourne, Australia:
Working with Trauma and Chronic Conditions through Fascia and Viscera
To Book Contact:

22-24 February: Hamburg, Germany:
Physical Democracy: Helping the body to communicate with the mind.
To Book Contact: Hamburg Shiatsu Schule

13 (lunchtime)-15 March: Frome, UK: SEED UK Programme 1
The Joy Divisions: Working with the Shao Yin and Tai Yang to liberate the spirit
To book fill out Application Form

27-29 March: Wageningen, Holland.
Masterclass in Movement Shiatsu
To book (if you have attended at least two workshops before): contact Hands on Tao

1st-3rd May: Zurich, Switzerland:
Words and Hands: How to help clients to sense their own body and energy
To book contact: Phoenix Shiatsu School

22nd-24th May: Vienna, Austria:
Aligning Body and Mind : Resolving internal conflict and aligning action and intention
To book contact: ESI Austria

5th-7th June: Madrid, Spain:
The Joy Divisions: Working with the Shao Yin and Tai Yang to liberate the spirit
To book contact APSE, Spain

18th(evening)-21st June: Frome, UK: SEED UK Programme 2
Zoom Workshop Teacher Training

3-6th September: Amsterdam, Holland:
Physical Democracy: Empowering the Client to Explore Themselves
at the European Shiatsu Congress

24 (evening)-27 September: Frome UK: Frome, UK: SEED UK Programme 2
Tensegrity, Fascia and Developmental Meridians
To book fill out Application Form

9-11 October: Amersee, Germany:
Aligning Body and Mind: Resolving internal conflict and aligning action and intention
To book contact: Shendo Sud

23-25 October: Brussels, Belgium
Movement Shiatsu & Developmental Meridians
To book contact: effi verhoeven

27-29 November: Zurich, Switzerland:
Working with Trauma and Chronic Conditions through Fascia and Viscera
To book contact: Phoenix Shiatsu School

12-13 December: Wageningen, Holland:
Movement Shiatsu Masterclass: For those who have studied with Bill & Teresa before
To book: contact Hands on Tao

January 7-10 2021, Frome, UK: Inner Qigong Retreat
A full course in Inner Qigong
To book fill out Application Form

13-14 March 2021: Paris
Movement Shiatsu & Developmental Meridians

25-28 March 2021: Frome UK: Frome, UK: SEED UK Programme 3
Words and Hands
To book fill out Application Form

16-18 April: Wageningen, Holland:
Movement Shiatsu & Developmental Meridians: see description
To book: contact Hands on Tao

14-16 May: Hamburg, Germany: Aligning Body and Mind
Resolving internal conflict and aligning action and intention
To book contact Shiatsu Schule Hamburg

4th-6th June: Madrid, Spain:
The Joy Divisions

18-20th June: Bonn, Germany
Subject to be decided
For booking and more information contact ISOM Bonn


29-31 January: Melbourne, Australia:
The Joy Divisions: Working with the Shao Yin and Tai Yang

Doing body therapy is not only about fixing problems, particularly if the condition is chronic. In chronic situations, it is easy to become dispirited and feel like a victim. In this workshop we will show how to use movement, Shiatsu and voice to focus on a person’s positive life-energy rather than on their problems. This approach touches the spirit and empowers the  client. 

We will show techniques for contacting the deepest structures in the body, the inner organs and the skeleton, and through these to activate the Shao Yin and Tai Yang channels. The Shao Yin connects the Kidney meridian to the Heart and provides a pathway for primal life energy to revitalise the body and light up  the person’s life. Joy is the emotion you feel when you are in touch with your core spirit, which is why Bill calls the Shao Yin the Joy Division.  The Tai Yang joins the Bladder to the Small Intestine and creates a clear channel for our authentic energy to be expressed in our actions without being squashed by social pressure. 

In a way, working with these energies gives the deepest healing, because they show us how to be authentic and enjoy life even when we have difficulty.

To Book Contact:

5-7 February: Melbourne, Australia:
Working with Trauma and Chronic Conditions through Fascia and Viscera

The first response to trauma is often protective. A part of the body is immobilised and buried to avoid emotional or physical pain. However, this means that the movements and posture are always distorted to avoid moving the buried area.

Emotional and developmental issues are often ‘stored’ in the body and can be liberated and processed through the body directly without having to re-experience the original pain. Many physical issues are the result of compensation for the immobilised area and the release of the trauma can frequently resolve chronic physical conditions too. The course will show:

  • how to work with the Fascia to gently and safely help the hidden area to re-connect
  • how bring the inner organs in that area into awareness and how to help them to initiate movement. and express themselves ‘in the first person’
  • We will show how to help a client process trauma through movement without getting caught up in the historical story.
  • How to use the Six Forms of Touch to help the client’s body-mind to re-integrate

To Book Contact:

22-24 February: Hamburg, Germany:
Physical Democracy: Helping the body to communicate with the mind.

This course is suitable for any type of body therapist. Since humans are social creatures, we are concerned with pleasing and copying other people. In the process, we can lose contact with what our own body wants. Many illnesses and injuries are caused by not listening to our body and forcing it to do something that it has not ‘agreed to’. In other words, the “Inner Community” of bones. muscles, organs and cells is ruled by an autocratic mind rather than being a democracy.

The inspiration for the workshop comes from a particular form of democracy successfully tried by several communities worldwide. The basis of this form of living together allows a community to act efficiently and make decisions easily without forming discontented subgroups. We will show how to apply this method to the way you treat your inner community and how you treat clients.

This approach makes Shiatsu more interactive and exploratory. Helping a client to listen to each part of their body empowers them to be an equal partner in the therapy rather than passively relying on the therapist’s expertise.

The course will :

  • Show how to sense the different body systems
  • Show how the organs can communicate through movement and voice
  • Show how to teach clients to sense their own body and meridians
  • Show how this helps clients to actively explore themselves in a therapy session
  • Demonstrate methods of conflict resolution which work both within the body and with outer relationships
  • Show how well-known methods of facilitating groups can be applied to working with the body.

To Book Contact: Hamburg Shiatsu Schule

13(lunchtime)-15 March: Frome, UK: SEED UK PROGRAMME 1
The Joy Divisions: Working with the Shao Yin and Tai Yang.

This workshop can be taken by anyone. It can be seen as a journey of self-empowerment or as an inspiration for working as a body-based therapist with people who have chronic conditions. Doing bodywork is not only about fixing problems, particularly if the condition is chronic. In those situations, it is easy to become dispirited and feel like a victim. In this workshop we will show how to use movement, specific bodywork techniques and voicework to focus on  positive life-energy rather than on problems. 

We will show techniques for contacting the deepest structures in the body, the inner organs and the skeleton, and through these to activate the Shao Yin Division which is, in Chinese Medicine, the connection between unconscious energy and conscious spirit. It provides a pathway for primal life energy to revitalise the body and light up  the person’s life. Joy is the emotion you feel when you are in touch with your core spirit, which is why Bill calls the Shao Yin the Joy Division.  In a way it is the deepest healing, because it shows us how to enjoy life even when we have difficulty.

To book fill out Application Form

27-29 March: Wageningen, Holland.
Masterclass in Movement Shiatsu

A workshop for people who have worked with Bill & Teresa before, looking at how to apply the techniques and principles of Movement Shiatsu in real life. Since Inner Qigong is an integral part of the process, we will show how to teach the movements to clients, how this helps them to be aware of exactly which aspects of their body are not integrated and how to then use bodywork and the techniques of Movement Shiatsu to help those parts to re-join the inner community.

To book (if you have attended at least two workshops before): Hands on Tao

18-19 April: Frome, UK:
“CLOSER”: A special workshop with Guy Dartnell and Martin Gent

 Using cross-art form, meditational and shamanic practices this workshop aims to fire-up surprise, creativity – along the way encouraging them to explore, strengthen & embody paradoxical notions like – the particular and the universal, commitment and dispassion, human and material, obvious and ludicrous. 

To Book Contact: School for Experiential Education

1st-3rd May: Zurich, Switzerland:
Words and Hands

This workshop will show how to use a Shiatsu session to help a client in their personal development and to deal with chronic issues.

Because a chronic condition becomes part of a person’s self-image they often have an unconscious resistance to change. The Six Forms of Touch are methods of helping a client to explore their own patterns and to become more active in the therapy. Each one helps a person to sense the energy of one of the Six Divisions in themselves and to work with their patterns in ways that encourage natural change.

In this workshop we will focus on two forms of touch, activating a family of four meridians that make Shiatsu more interactive. The work transforms the client from a passive recipient of the therapy into an active self-explorer.

We will show:

  • How to use words and open questions to stimulate a client’s awareness
  • How to teach a client to sense their own needs within the therapy.
  • How to be aware of unconscious agreements you make with a client
  • How to clarify personal boundaries and work with conscious consent
  • How to work with resistance to change
  • How to integrate talking into the bodywork to empower the client

The session becomes a process of self-exploration as well as a treatment and the client is given practical tools for continuing the work on themselves into their everyday lives

To book contact: Phoenix Shiatsu School

22nd-24th May: Vienna, Austria:
Aligning Body and Mind : Resolving internal conflict and aligning action and intention

Doing body therapy is not only about fixing problems, particularly if the condition is chronic. In chronic situations, it is easy to become dispirited and feel like a victim. In this workshop we will show how to use Movement, Shiatsu and Voicework to focus on a person’s positive life-energy rather than on their problems. This approach touches the spirit and empowers the  client. 

We will show techniques for contacting the deepest structures in the body, the inner organs and the skeleton, and through these to activate the Shao Yin and Tai Yang channels. The Shao Yin connects the Kidney meridian to the Heart and provides a pathway for primal life energy to revitalise the body and light up  the person’s life. The Tai Yang joins the Bladder to the Small Intestine and creates a clear channel for our authentic energy to be expressed in our actions without being squashed by social pressure. 

In a way, working with these energies gives the deepest healing, because they show us how to be authentic and enjoy life even when we have difficulty.

To book contact: ESI Austria

5th-7th June: Madrid, Spain:
The Joy Divisions

This workshop can be taken by anyone. It can be seen as a journey of self-empowerment or as an inspiration for working as a body-based therapist with people who have chronic conditions. Doing bodywork is not only about fixing problems, particularly if the condition is chronic. In those situations, it is easy to become dispirited and feel like a victim. In this workshop we will show how to use movement, specific bodywork techniques and voicework to focus on positive life-energy rather than on problems. 

We will show techniques for contacting the deepest structures in the body, the inner organs and the skeleton, and through these to activate the Shao Yin Division which is, in Chinese Medicine, the connection between unconscious energy and conscious spirit. It provides a pathway for primal life energy to revitalise the body and light up the person’s life. Joy is the emotion you feel when you are in touch with your core spirit, which is why Bill calls the Shao Yin the Joy Division.  In a way it is the deepest healing, because it shows us how to enjoy life even when we have difficulty.

18th (evening)-21st June: Frome UK: SEED UK PROGRAMME 2
Tensegrity, Fascia and Developmental Meridians

A workshop of Movement, Bodywork and Experiential Anatomy to explore how the fascia and connective tissues give a sense of integrity both physically and emotionally. 

These tissues connect everything together and give a sense of elasticity and wholeness to the body. We will show how to contact the fascia through specific qualities of touch, how to feel and develop the elasticity of the fascia in oneself and how to use that sensation to find a sense of physical coordination and ease in movement.Bill Palmer’s research with infant development has shown that the classical meridians show the way in which babies learn to move by connecting different body parts. As adults we find other ways of moving, particularly using spirals and movements that cross the midline. These pathways of connection are embodied in the muscles and fascia, forming ‘personal meridians’ different to the innate ones. The workshop will show how to work with these myo-fascial meridians and help clients to be aware of their unique way of moving and being.

To book fill out Application Form

3-6th September: Amsterdam, Holland:
Physical Democracy: Empowering the Client to Explore Themselves
at the European Shiatsu Congress

Movement Shiatsu empowers the receiver and guides them to be aware of their body and meridians through movement and awareness exercises. It helps the client to explore themselves and to actively experiment with their energetic patterns. This means that the bodywork does not focus on trying to fix the person’s problems but encourages them to loosen their neuro-muscular patterns and to activate the energetic wellbeing functions of the Zangfu.

Using movement helps a client to focus on their positive abilities and empowers them to take charge of their healing rather than being a passive victim to their problems. The workshop will show how to incorporate some of the movement and awareness exercises into any style of Shiatsu session to make the bodywork more creative, intuitive and relevant to the client.

To book for the Congress go to: European Shiatsu Congress Website

24(evening)-27 September: Frome UK: SEED UK PROGRAMME 2
Tensegrity, Fascia and Developmental Meridians

A workshop of Movement, Bodywork and Experiential Anatomy to explore how the fascia and connective tissues give a sense of integrity both physically and emotionally. 

These tissues connect everything together and give a sense of elasticity and wholeness to the body. We will show how to contact the fascia through specific qualities of touch, how to feel and develop the elasticity of the fascia in oneself and how to use that sensation to find a sense of physical coordination and ease in movement.Bill Palmer’s research with infant development has shown that the classical meridians show the way in which babies learn to move by connecting different body parts. As adults we find other ways of moving, particularly using spirals and movements that cross the midline. These pathways of connection are embodied in the muscles and fascia, forming ‘personal meridians’ different to the innate ones. The workshop will show how to work with these myo-fascial meridians and help clients to be aware of their unique way of moving and being.

To book fill out Application Form

9-11 October: Amersee, Germany:
Aligning Body and Mind

The workshop focuses on working with four meridians whose function is to align our Actions with our Intentions. We often do things that are harmful to ourselves because the motivation does not come from our spirit. In fact we often forget how to listen to the internal energy and the body becomes stiff and inflexible because we are inhibiting our authentic impulses.

The workshop focuses on how we can get in touch with our primal energy – and listen to its truth. It is not necessary to always act on this primal energy but it’s important to be aware of it and, so to speak, to get its agreement for our actions. We will use Movement, Voice and Bodywork to access these internal impulses and allow them to have their say. This will also include training in a Tibetan spontaneous movement practice called Rushen, whose purpose is to liberate and let go of energy that has been inhibited and buried in the body.

More physically, we will demonstrate how force can flow through the body clearly if the body and mind work together. At the deepest level, this is dependent on the skeleton being aligned and we will be showing you great techniques (both safe and non-invasive) for helping the bones to adjust themselves so as to facilitate clear flow of energy through the body.

To book contact: Shendo Sud

23-25 October: Brussels, Belgium
Movement Shiatsu & Developmental Meridians

The workshop will be highly experiential and a journey of self-discovery as well as giving a fresh approach to working with clients. We will show how to help clients to directly experience the meridians though movement explorations. This gives the client a way to practice and embody the energetic changes from the Shiatsu session and also helps them to take responsibility for their health. The work is based on Bill Palmer’s research into child development which showed that the meridians are the pathways along which babies learn to connect their body together through movement.

This approach makes the Shiatsu session more interactive, spontaneous and experimental and opens up the client’s awareness of themselves so that they can move away from being a victim of their condition needing rescue into an explorer wanting guidance.

To book contact: effi verhoeven

6-8 November: Stellshagen, Germany:
The Voice of the Organs

We will use bodywork, voicework and techniques from dramatherapy to get in touch with the energy of the internal organs and help them to express themselves directly. In our view, the body is not a machine with components but a community of autonomous agents who work together to make a living being. But the ego-mind is so dominant that it generally ignores the wisdom of these organ-beings and forces the body-community to do its will. 

Body based psychotherapies normally use the body to get in touch with unconscious emotion but then process what comes up verbally. So in some sense the mind is still the leader or the mediator of the body-community. In this workshop we will learn how the organs and other aspects of the body can express themselves in the first person and process things in their own non-verbal language. This is a profound and practical way of safely dealing with trauma and other unconscious issues which are often hidden in the deep tissues of the body. 

The energies that are hidden in the internal organs are not only traumatic and painful. In the process of growing up, we also suppress and hide our joy, our spontaneity and our sense of wonder. So hopefully, the workshop will help you to be aware of yourself in a deep way that releases old pain and gives space for the joy of life. You do not need to be a therapist or have any prior experience to do this course but, if you do work with clients, it will give you new tools for working with the body and helping people to discover and empower themselves.

To book contact: Shendo Nord

27-29 November: Zurich, Switzerland:
Working with Trauma and Chronic Conditions through Fascia and Viscera

The first response to trauma is often protective. A part of the body is immobilised and buried to avoid emotional or physical pain. However, this means that the movements and posture are always distorted to avoid moving the buried area.

Emotional and developmental issues are often ‘stored’ in the body and can be liberated and processed through the body directly without having to re-experience the original pain. Many physical issues are the result of compensation for the immobilised area and the release of the trauma can frequently resolve chronic physical conditions too. The course will show:

  • how to work with the Fascia to gently and safely help the hidden area to re-connect
  • how bring the inner organs in that area into awareness and how to help them to initiate movement. and express themselves ‘in the first person’
  • We will show how to help a client process trauma through movement without getting caught up in the historical story.
  • How to use the Six Forms of Touch to help the client’s body-mind to re-integrate

To book contact: Phoenix Shiatsu School

12-13 December: Wageningen, Holland:
Movement Shiatsu & Developmental Meridians

The workshop will be highly experiential and a journey of self-discovery as well as giving a fresh approach to working with clients. We will show how to help clients to directly experience the meridians though movement explorations. This gives the client a way to practice and embody the energetic changes from the Shiatsu session and also helps them to take responsibility for their health. The work is based on Bill Palmer’s research into child development which showed that the meridians are the pathways along which babies learn to connect their body together through movement.

This approach makes the Shiatsu session more interactive, spontaneous and experimental and opens up the client’s awareness of themselves so that they can move away from being a victim of their condition needing rescue into an explorer wanting guidance.

To book contact : Hands on Tao

January 7-10 2021, Frome, UK: Inner Qigong Retreat
This  is a Qigong Course where we will be practicing all three series of Inner Qigong and showing the developmental yoga that goes with each series.

Inner Qigong is a system of self exploration, each series focusing on one of three fundamental energy systems in the body-mind.

Series One focuses on Organ Tone, Expansion, Expression, Openness, Clear Boundaries and Interchange between Self and Other. All these functions are related and are developed in children through archetypal movements which follow the meridians of the Yang Ming and Tai Yin.

Series Two focuses on Alignment of the Skeleton,   Alignment of Body and Mind, Understanding of the difference between Inner Motivation and Outer Conditioning, finding Clarity. All these functions are related and are developed in children through archetypal movements following the meridians of the Shao Yin and the Tai Yang.

Series Three focuses on Muscles and Fascia, Connecting all parts of the body, Finding the Centre, Using Spiral movements to help all parts of the body to collaborate. All these functions are related and are developed in children through archetypal movements following the meridians of the Jue Yin and Shao Yang

To book fill out Application Form

13-14 March: Paris, France:
Movement Shiatsu & Developmental Meridians

The workshop will be highly experiential and a journey of self-discovery as well as giving a fresh approach to working with clients. We will show how to help clients to directly experience the meridians though movement explorations. This gives the client a way to practice and embody the energetic changes from the Shiatsu session and also helps them to take responsibility for their health. The work is based on Bill Palmer’s research into child development which showed that the meridians are the pathways along which babies learn to connect their body together through movement.

This approach makes the Shiatsu session more interactive, spontaneous and experimental and opens up the client’s awareness of themselves so that they can move away from being a victim of their condition needing rescue into an explorer wanting guidance.

25-28 March 2021 : Frome UK: SEED UK PROGRAMME 3
Words and Hands: Helping clients to be an active part of the therapy

This workshop will show how to use a bodywork session to help a client in their personal development and to deal with chronic issues.

Because a chronic condition becomes part of a person’s self-image they often have an unconscious resistance to change. The Six Forms of Touch are methods of helping a client to explore their own patterns and to become more active in the therapy. Each one helps a person to sense the energy of one of the Six Divisions in themselves and to work with their patterns in ways that encourage natural change.

In this workshop we will focus on two forms of touch, activating a family of four meridians that make Shiatsu more interactive. The work transforms the client from a passive recipient of the therapy into an active self-explorer.

We will show:

  • How to use words and open questions to stimulate a client’s awareness
  • How to teach a client to sense their own needs within the therapy.
  • How to be aware of unconscious agreements you make with a client
  • How to clarify personal boundaries and work with conscious consent
  • How to work with resistance to change
  • How to integrate talking into the bodywork to empower the client

The session becomes a process of self-exploration as well as a treatment and the client is given practical tools for continuing the work on themselves into their everyday lives

To book fill out Application Form

16-18 April 2021, Wageningen, Holland:
Movement Shiatsu & Developmental Meridians

The workshop will be highly experiential and a journey of self-discovery as well as giving a fresh approach to working with clients. We will show how to help clients to directly experience the meridians though movement explorations. This gives the client a way to practice and embody the energetic changes from the Shiatsu session and also helps them to take responsibility for their health. The work is based on Bill Palmer’s research into child development which showed that the meridians are the pathways along which babies learn to connect their body together through movement.

This approach makes the Shiatsu session more interactive, spontaneous and experimental and opens up the client’s awareness of themselves so that they can move away from being a victim of their condition needing rescue into an explorer wanting guidance.

To book contact : Hands on Tao

14-16th May: Hamburg, Germany
Aligning Body and Mind : Resolving internal conflict and aligning action and intention

Doing body therapy is not only about fixing problems, particularly if the condition is chronic. In chronic situations, it is easy to become dispirited and feel like a victim. In this workshop we will show how to use Movement, Shiatsu and Voicework to focus on a person’s positive life-energy rather than on their problems. This approach touches the spirit and empowers the  client. 

We will show techniques for contacting the deepest structures in the body, the inner organs and the skeleton, and through these to activate the Shao Yin and Tai Yang channels. The Shao Yin connects the Kidney meridian to the Heart and provides a pathway for primal life energy to revitalise the body and light up  the person’s life. The Tai Yang joins the Bladder to the Small Intestine and creates a clear channel for our authentic energy to be expressed in our actions without being squashed by social pressure. 

In a way, working with these energies gives the deepest healing, because they show us how to be authentic and enjoy life even when we have difficulty.

4th-6th June: Madrid, Spain:
The Joy Divisions

This workshop can be taken by anyone. It can be seen as a journey of self-empowerment or as an inspiration for working as a body-based therapist with people who have chronic conditions. Doing bodywork is not only about fixing problems, particularly if the condition is chronic. In those situations, it is easy to become dispirited and feel like a victim. In this workshop we will show how to use movement, specific bodywork techniques and voicework to focus on positive life-energy rather than on problems. 

We will show techniques for contacting the deepest structures in the body, the inner organs and the skeleton, and through these to activate the Shao Yin Division which is, in Chinese Medicine, the connection between unconscious energy and conscious spirit. It provides a pathway for primal life energy to revitalise the body and light up the person’s life. Joy is the emotion you feel when you are in touch with your core spirit, which is why Bill calls the Shao Yin the Joy Division.  In a way it is the deepest healing, because it shows us how to enjoy life even when we have difficulty.

18-20 June: Bonn, Germany

Subject to be decided

For booking and more information contact ISOM Bonn